The Benefits of Fabric Structures

The Physical Benefits of Fabric Structures

Fabric structures give you a number of benefits when compared to a steel clad building.

  • In warm climates they are up to 15deg C cooler, so you have a more productive and profitable work environment. It is more like standing under a shady tree compared to the heat radiating inwards from a steel building.
  • They are easier to relocate. They do not have thousands of roof screws to remove and replace. 
  • They are more compact and lighter, for transporting or storage between uses. This creates lower CO2 emissions.
  • They are a kit building with a set of installation instructions which enable people with handyman skills to install them.
  • They are engineered to the wind rating of your region.
  • Allshelter structures come with a heavy frames that will outlast multiple ~20 year covers. Each time the cover is replaced it is back to looking like a brand new structure. The cheaper structures will save you money up front. These work if you are looking for a short term solutions where it is not critical if the structure fails in unexpected high winds.

The Business Case regarding the Benefits of Fabric Structures

The ability to relocate fabric structure enables you to maintain your asset value;

  • Mines which have a relatively short life can shift the structure to a new site or to be close to where the work is happening, limiting down time.
  • On leased commercial blocks the structure can be moved at the end of the lease.
  • On airfields where permanent buildings become the property of the airfield, temporary buildings are often the owners property.

They are also excellent for growing businesses;

  • They can be used to facilitate immediate production while the end plan is still in the formulation phase.
  • Fabric structures give you flexibility, on one site or relocated between sites, to meet your shedding needs.
  • Large long structures can be reconfigured into shorter structures on multiple sites later.
  • They publicise that your business is in a growth stage. Elon Musk used fabric structures for SpaceX, utilising their flexibility in a growing business.
  • If you have a limited term project you can design the structures so they are segmented. This will ensure they have maximum retail value to the widest market possible, so as you get the highest return at the projects closure.

Fabric Structures Environmental Benefits.

The fabric structures have a light footprint compared to traditional steel buildings;

  • Transporting Fabric Structures is more efficient as they are lighter and requiring less space. This results in less hydrocarbons been produced when they are being shifted.
  • They are a lot lighter than steel clad buildings. The fabric cladding alone is one sixth the weight of steel.
  • They require less daytime lighting energy. During the day, natural light comes through the fabric.
  • They are easy to relocate, reuse or sell, when their initial purpose is completed.
  • A new cover after 20 years makes them look brand new. A repaired steel shed looks like, a repaired steel shed.

Contact Taurus

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Taurus Fabric Build Mob: 0400 030 835, Email: [email protected],

Office: The Bunker, 79 McLeod St Cairns QLD 4870, Australia

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